Welcome To Ec Dial!

About Ecdial  

Launched in 2020, Ecdial was the first one-of-its kind large format specialist retail store  that catered to all home electronic needs in tamilnadu. Our company is a best class chain of  consumer Electronics & Home Appliances in electronics. Now in Tamilnadu itself it is having  many branches. From starting onwards Ecdial has been giving crowd pulling offers and services  to its customers.  

Our Mission

Our mission is not only to sell quality products but also to create awareness about home appliances for everyone.

Our Vision

Through this application and Ecdial YouTube channel, we sell quality and best products and provide the best service. We are now implementing this in Tamil Nadu. Our goal is to bring this across India.

Our Goal

Through this application and Ecdial YouTube channel, we sell quality and best products and provide the best service. We are now implementing this in Tamil Nadu. Our goal is to bring this across India.


happy customers




Total Products


Our Branches

